What is the vision statement of TEVTA Business?||Business Opportunities At Government Organization TEVTA Punjab in 2024


If you want to get guidance regarding the Business Opportunities At the Government Organization TEVTA Punjab in 2024, stay connected until the end of this page.

Yes, a business At the Government Organization TEVTA Punjab in 2024 is available for just a few days.

If you would like to know the full details of these TEVTA Vacancies you are connected to us by the end of this page.

We will mention the TEVTA Jobs Quality and benefits of this and will also be the last date for applying for this job work on this page.

Keep the mind that the last date for applying for this Job at TEVTA Government Organization in Punjab is 1st June 2024.

Government Organization TEVTA Punjab

We Provide Some Information About the TEVTA Jobs

Government Organization TEVTA was formed by the governor of Punjab by an Ordinance in  (NO XXIV of 1999).

Now the TAVTA Government Organization (NO XXIV of 1999) has been replaced by TEVTA Punjab (ACT X of 2010).

Usually, people do not know what the TEVTA Mission is. Today we tell you that too.

The Mission of TEVTA is:

  • TEVTA’s Mission is to increase global competition in Punjab. Walking from demand and working standard.
  • As well as their mission includes dynamic and strong technical Education and professional Training services.
  • Now the mission is to strengthen a vocational individual and quality through the development of professional training services.

Some Objects of TEVTA Punjab:

  • The first goal is to set up a Data Bank for skilled workers and technicians.
  • Conducting Seminars for a variety of people associated with technical education and vocational training.
  • The industry is also aimed at developing dependent courses based on the needs of the new technology sector.
  • Proposing existing training laws and changes in studying is also aimed at their aim.

Business Opportunities At Government Organization TEVTA Punjab in 2024 (Full Details)

First Date:                                     22 April 2024

Sector:                                            Government

Education:                                     Master

Business Experience:                Maximum 2 Years 

Last Date:                                      1st June 2024

Business Industry:                     Education Business

Benefits of Government Organization TEVTA Punjab

Also, many more benefits can be viewed on the Official Website of TEVTA. Visit this website and see the benefits. We will only mention here three.

income Benefits:

The biggest benefit of working in this company TEVTA is that their salary is very good because the rest of the job should pay salary in TEVTA Business.

This Business is the best for those who are looking for a good income because today people find a good Business.

Education Benefit:

One of the benefits of working in this company is that it gives humans a chance to work as well as education.

 It is also a very good thing that a man should get a job in which he gets a job as well as education.

Pension Benefits:

One of the benefits of working in this company is that the employee also receives a pension after retiring.

The Quality of Qualification for this TEVTA Business


TEVTA can apply for both men and women for these jobs in Punjab as both are needed in this company.

The reason for this is that there are some works that only men can do and some work that only women can do.

Education Qualification:

You must have a minimum Master’s degree to apply for this Business for a government company.

This company requires a lot of Education to work, so he earned a Master’s degree.

Experience Requirement:

To apply for this Business in a government agency, you must have at least two years’ experience in this work.

It is not necessary to have two years of experience even if there is more experience then it will still be acceptable.

Age Requirement:

Tevta Jobs is a condition to be at least 18 years old to apply for these jobs. This is not as small as acceptable.

Yes if your age is over 18 years old then your maximum age should be 25 years old.

Apply Online for TEVTA Punjab Business 2024

One way to Apply for this TEVTA Business is you visit the Official Website and the inline Application form there. 

The Second Method to Apply is

  • First Click the Apply Now button below so a form in front of you will be open
  • Then they have to complete the form and submit it. This way we will receive the form 

Also, remember that this form is to be submitted before the last date and the last date to apply for this Business is 1st June 2024.

Information About TAVTA Courses free

Usually, a question is asked whether the TEVTA courses go for free.

About this, we tell you that they are summer vacation is three months. So children are given these courses for free on these holidays.

In addition. TEVTA courses are not free but they are taken with fees.


Read the whole topic mentioned above. We get a lot of information about TEVTA.

Most importantly, it is a government agency and it is a great pleasure to work in a government institution.

So if you want a government job then this is a great opportunity for you. You must request it if you may be selected for this Business.

Important Note For Every Reader:

If you have to ask any questions you can ask us the feedback we will try our best to answer it in any question.

TEVTA organization is a Government Organization or a Private?

This is a famous thing and all know that broken is a government institution like other government agencies.

What is the TEVTA Vocational Training in Pakistan?

Vocational training means that there are some institutions in Pakistan where TEVTA is trained. They are called vocational training.

What is the history of the Government Organization TEVTA Pakistan?

Tevta is a government institution and all its history we have described in the beginning so you read from there.

What is the mission of TEVTA Punjab Pakistan?

We have provided full information on the mission of TEVTA. So you read from there.

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